ATALAN Programming Language Reference

Syntax elements





Variables, types, constants and assignment

Type declaration

Const declaration

Input & output

Variable address

Variable assignment

Multiple assignments



Associated constants

Limit constants



Structures [TODO]

Element access



Element access

2D arrays

Range access [TODO]

File references



Indexed scopes



Conditional assignment



Assert output

Type inferencer

Side effects

Failed asserts

Labels & Jumps

Conditional execution



Loop scope

Loop over an existing variable



While & Until



Calling a procedure

Default arguments

Multiple results


Nested procedures

Procedures with identical signatures

Forward declaration of procedures

Procedures at specified addresses

Definition of trashed variables


Module parameters

Assembler includes

CPU modules

Platform modules

System modules

Application modules

Syntax elements

Atalan source code is ASCII text file. It does not support reading of UTF-8 files, it can however safely skip UTF-8 header, so if you mistakenly save your source code using UTF-8 (hello PSPad), there should be no problem.

Atalan is case insensitive.


Numeric and text literals may be defined using the following notation:

65535 dec $494949 hex %0101010 bin "C" character string

It is possible to separate parts of a numeric constant by apostrophe.

65'535 $ff'ff %0101'0101'0101'1111

Text literals are enclosed in double quotes. Special characters may be enclosed in square brackets.

"This is text." "I said: ["]Hello!["]"

The following escape sequences are supported: ["] " [[ [ ]] ]


Anything after ; to the end of a line is comment.


Identifiers must start with a letter and may contain numbers, underlines and apostrophes. Identifier may be enclosed in apostrophes. In such case, it may contain any character except apostrophe or newline.

Example: name x1 x2 x'pos 'RH-' 'else' ; this is identifier, even if else is keyword x x' x'' ; three different identifiers '*'


Commands are organized in blocks.

Block may be defined using several methods:

In the following examples, block starts after 'then' and everything before "Hello" is part of the block.

Line block start somewhere in the line and continues until the end of the line.

if x = 10 then a=1 b=2 "Hello"

Parentheses ignore line ends and whitespaces completely.

if x = 10 then ( a=1 b=2 ) "Hello"


if x = 10 then ( a=1 b=2 ) "Hello"

Indented blocks must have first character of the block on the next line indented more than the line that starts the block. Block ends with a less indented line than those of the block.

if x = 10 then a=1 b=2 "Hello"

Both TABS and spaces can be used to define indent, but they can not be mixed. If both are used in the same line, TABS must be first, then spaces. This prevents some common errors when using indent.

Variables, types, constants and assignment

Variables do not have to be defined, they are declared using assignment action.

[const|type|in|out|in sequence] name ["@" adr] ["," name]* [":" [min ".." max]|[var] [ "(" dim ["," dim2] ")" ] ["=" value ["," value]

name Name of variable, multiple variables may be declared/assigned at once (separated by comma) adr Places variable at specified address or register.

Type is declared using one of the following methods:

Type declaration

Type is defined using type keyword.

type short:-128..127 ; signed byte type type byte:0..255 type word:0..65535 type int:-32768..32767 type long:0..$ffffff type char:byte

Const declaration

Constant is a variable that is initialized during declaration and never assigned again. Array may be used as const to define static data.

const TAB = 3 * 3 ; it is possible to use expressions to evaluate constants const SPC = 32 const DIGITS:char(16) = "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"

const keyword introduces a block, so it is possible to declare multiple constants at once.

const TOP = 1 BOTTOM = 2

Input & output

in and out keywords may be used to define that variable represents input or output register on system where registers are mapped into memory.

in defines input register. This means that value of a variable may change between reads and it is therefore necessary to always read the value from a register (optimizer will not cache values from this register).

in sequence defines input register that works as a sequence. Reading this register has some kind of side effect (for example increments some internal pointer, etc.) Optimizer will not remove reading from the register even if the read value is never used.

out specifies the register used for output. Writing to that register has some side effect. Optimizer will not remove any writes to such register.

Variable address

It is possible to place variable to a specified address. This is usually used to define system and hardware registers. PCOLR @704:array(4) ; player & missile graphics color (4 missiles) COLOR @708:array(5) ; playfield color SDLSTL @560:adr ; address of beginning of display list STICK @632:array(4) Value of some hardware registers change automatically. It is necessary to mark such variables as in or out.

This syntax may be also used to define variable as an alias to some other variable (to put two variables to the same location). This feature is most commonly used when defining headers of external procedures.

Slices of existing arrays may be defined using address.

memory:array (0..7) of array (0..255) of byte bitmap@memory(4..7)

Variable bitmap will have type array(0..3) of array(0..255) of byte which will be automatically deduced by compiler. Accessing it will have the same effect as accessing the memory array.

Variable assignment

x = y

Multiple assignments

x,y:int x,y = 3,4 x,y = y,x [TODO] x,y = cursor


Label is specified as a variable located at an address where address is not specified. Note that there must be at least one whitespace after label definition.



Integer type is declared using numeric range. Compiler automatically decides how many bytes to use.

byte:0..255 word:0..$ffff int:-32768..32767 flag:0..1

Associated constants

It is possible to associate a constant with integer type. Associated constants work like enum, but the type remains integer (i.e. you can still assign numbers to them).

color:0..255 const gray:color = 0 const pink:color = 4

When using associated constant it must be preceded by type name and dot . It is not necessary when the type is obvious.

c1:0..255 c2:color c1 = color.gray c2 = pink ; c2 is of type color, color. is not necessary

Limit constants

All integer variables have built-in associated constants min and max defining minimum and maximum possible values (limits) of the variable.

x:13..100 min = x.min max = x.max "x:[min]..[max]"

Will print x:13..100.

It is possible to define custom associated variable with name of some built-in constant. It does not change the type of the variable. Built-in constant will be unavailable.


Enumerations are integer types defining list of named values that may be assigned to them.

Enums are declared using enum keyword, optionally followed by a numeric range. If a numeric range is specified, all constants associated with this enum must be in the range. If not specified, range is computed automatically based on specified values.

button_state:enum (pressed = 0, not'pressed = 1) color: enum gray pink purple


Any integer type may be defined as bool by defining associated constant true and/or false. Variable of bool type may be tested just by using the variable name, no relational operator is required then.

Both true and false constant may have arbitrary value (not necessarily 0 or 1).

button_state:enum (pressed = 0, not'pressed = 1, true = 0) left_button:button_state if left_button then "Left pressed."

Structures [TODO]

Structure is defined as a list of variable declarations. Either "," or newline may be used as a separator.

xcoord:0..319 ycoord:0..239 point: x:xcoord ; x screen coordinate y:ycoord ; y screen coordinate

Using @ inside structure places the variable at a specified offset from the beginning of a structure. Structures with 'holes' can be defined this way, even if it is not usually very useful.

audch: f:byte ; frequency c:byte ; control aud@$D200:audch(4)

Element access

Structure elements are accessed using dot operator.

p:point p.x = 10 p.y = 20


Array is defined using keyword array.

name:array [[min..]max[,[min..]max]] [of type]

If the array size is defined using single value it defines maximum index value. Minimum index value is then 0. So x:array(31) defines array of 32 elements (index 0..31). Minimum index value can be defined too. It must be a non-negative integer (>= 0). x:array(1..10) defines array of 10 elements from 1 to 10.

An array can be defined as one or two dimensional one.

If the type of an array is omitted, it is set to byte.


It is possible to initialize arrays using literals. Constant array is defined as a comma separated list of values. It is not necessary to define size or range for an initialized array.

If there is a reference to an array variable as a part of a different array initialization, pointer to that array is stored in the array. This is possible for byte arrays too, in such case the element will occupy multiple bytes (usually 2 bytes for 8-bit processors).

When an item is to be repeated several times in initialization, it is posible to use <n> TIMES <item> construct. <n> must be an integer number. If it is lower or equal 0, no item will be generated.

disp:array(0..39,0..23) of byte const a:array of byte = 3 times 112, disp, 0 ;Array has range 0..5

Element access

Array element is accessed using hash operator followed by index. Index may be integer literal, variable name or expression in parentheses. In case of parenthesised expression, the hash may be ommited.

The syntax of the array element access is:

# | #() | (index)

arr:array(10) of byte arr#1 = arr#2 arr(1) = arr(2) scr:array(39,23) of byte arr(0,0) = 65

2D arrays

2D arrays are organized the way so the first index represents X coordinate and second index Y coordinate in a 2D grid. This is to provide a comfortable means of working with display data.

The following example defines 'screen' of 24 lines with 40 columns and sets the character in the middle of the screen to 'A'.

screen:array(0..39,0..23) of byte x = 19 y = 11 screen(x,y) = 65

Range access [TODO]

Assigning a single variable to an array sets all items in the array.

screen:array(39,239) of byte screen = 0 ; clear the screen (fill with 0)

File references

Wherever a reference to an array is expected, it is possible to specify a reference to a file containing the array data using file keyword.

For example: set'font file "baloon.fnt"

Reference to the file is relative to the location of the source file in the system path.


Address represents address of a memory location. For 8-bit architectures address is usually 16 bits (2 bytes) long.

Address may define what type of variable it references (including procedure or array).

const a1:array = 10,11,12,13,14 a:adr a = a1 b = a(0) ; b = 10 b = a(2) ; b = 12 a = a1(2) ; a represents array 12,13,14 now b = a1(1) ; b = 13

Addresses may be passed to procedures. This can be used to pass arrays to procedured.

print2:proc x:adr = b1 = x(0) b2 = x(1) "[b1],[b2]" print2 a1 print2 a1(2)


It is possible to define explicitly named scopes. When scope is defined, variables may be defined in this scope using dot syntax like

sprite:scope sprite.x: array (0..3) of byte sprite.color: array(0..3) of byte sprite.x(0) = 100 sprite.color(0) = red

It is possible to have a code parsed within the defined scope using initialization. If there is a dot . before the name, it will be searched or defined only in current scope. It may be used to force creating a variable with a name conflicting with a previous definition.

sprite:scope = x: array (0..3) of byte .color: array(0..3) of byte ;see use of .

Indexed scopes

When referencing a scope variable of array type, it is posible to specify index after the name of the scope instead of the name of variable. So assignments from previous example may be written as sprite(0).x = 100 sprite(0).color = red


$ Acess n-th byte of the value. 0 means least significant byte. * / mod Multiplication, division, modulus + - Addition, substraction sqrt Square root lo hi Low/high byte of a word (lo $abcd = $cd, hi $abcd = $ab) bitnot Binary negation bitand Binary and bitor bitxor Binary or and exlusive or ( ) Parentheses


Expressions used in conditions have slightly different rules than normal expressions. They (at least in a theory) evaluate to true/false. If a simple value is used, then 0 means false, any other value means true.

not Logical negation and or Logical operators = <> < > <= >= Relational operators is isn't Same as '=' '<>' (lower priority). [TODO]

Relational operators may be chained, so it is possible to write for example 10<x<100, etc.

Logical operators are evaluated using short circuit evaluation.

Conditional assignment

Conditional assignement uses the same form as conditional statement.

sign = if x<0 then -1 else if x=0 then 0 else 1


String constant used as a command will be printed to the screen.

"Hello, World!" "" "I'm here!"

Square braces are used to insert expressions into the printed string.

x = 4 y = 6 "Sum of [x] and [y] is [x + y]."

Expression type is automatically recognized and there is no need to specify it. Newline will be printed after string, unless it is followed by comma.

"Sum of [x] and [y] is", "[x + y]"


The Assert statement may be used to inform the compiler that some fact (boolean condition) is always true at specified point in application.

x = 10 assert x > 5

Assertions may be checked in runtime (if the programmer does require it and platform does define necessary means of printing the assert information).

Assert output

When an assertion is false, source file, line number and list of variables used in assertion including their current values are printed. Program execution is canceled then.

Type inferencer

Facts stated in asserts are used by type inferencer to deduce the types of variables. In some situations they are necessary, as type inferencer does not have enough information to deduce the type correctly.

For example, in following example we need to assert the maximum expected value the count variable may have, as compiler can not know the speed of the hardware the resulting applicaton will run on.

use atari "Counting 2 seconds..." count = 0 timer = 0 until timer = 100 inc count assert count < 2'000'000 "Counted to [count]."

Side effects

Conditions in asserts may not have any side effects, as that would change the behaviour of the program when they are removed. Atalan will report an error, when it detects assertions have side-effects (call a function with side effect, read sequence in variable).

Failed asserts

In some situations, the compiler is able to prove that an assertion is always false. Such assert is reported as an error.

For example following snippet of code x = 30 assert x ≠ 30

will report an error: compares.atl(2) Logic error: Assert is always false. assert x ≠ 30

Labels & Jumps

Label is defined as


It is possible to jump to the specified label unconditionally using goto.

goto label

It is also possible to jump to address specified in variable.

x:word x = 1000 goto x ; jump to address 1000

Conditional execution

Full conditional statement is supported. Note that the blocks may be defined using indent. It is possible to optionally use then keyword after a condition. Arbitrary number of else if sections is supported.

if <cond> [then] <code> else if <cond2> <code> else <code>

Short one-line version is supported. if <cond> then <code>

Again, it is not necessary to use then: if <cond> goto <label>

unless can be used instead of if to define negated condition.

unless x=0 dec x


Loops are written the following way:

["for" var [":" range]|["in" array] ["step" step]["where" filter]]["while" cond | "until" cond] code_block


"For" part of loop enables iteration over the specified loop variable or enumerating an array elements. Loop variable must be an integer. All possible values will be iterated, depending on variable type.

Range after ":" may be defined as:

Alternatively, it is possible to use in keyword, to enumerate elements in specified array.

The syntax is "for" var "in" array code_block

For example: use con6502 a:array(0..113) of 0..200 ;Initialize the array with 0..113 for i:0..113 a(i) = i ;compute the sum of the array s:0..65535 = 0 for v in a s = s + v assert s = 6441

Loop scope

Loop provides its own local scope, so all variables (including loop variable) declared in the loop will be accessible only within the loop.

Loop over an existing variable

It is sometimes usefull to know the state of the loop variable after the loop has exited. In a such case it is possible to loop over an existing variable. No range is defined in this case.

use atari x:1..60000 for x until CH = Q ; CH is Atari shortcut for keyboard characted "You hit [x]."


When iterating over a variable it is possible to specify value that will be added to the variable in every step. If the step specification is ommited, 1 is used.


where may be used after for to restrict the iterated values by a condition. It is same, as the first command in the loop was if . Usually where contains a reference to the loop variable but it is not strictly required.

Print random sequence in ascending order: for x:1..1000 where RANDOM mod 2 = 1 "[x]"

While & Until

It is possible to specify a condition for a loop using while or until keywords. It is also usable without for part.

while will repeat commands in the block as long as the specified condition is true. "while" cond block

until will repeat commands in the block as long as the specified condition is not true. "until" cond block

while or until may be combined with for.


The following loop will print odd numbers up to 10000 until Q is pressed.

use atari for k:1..10000 where k mod 2 = 0 until CH = Q ;CH is Atari shortcut for keyboard character "[k]"


Procedures can be defined using proc type. After the proc keyword follows block defining procedure arguments.

Procedure may return any number of results. Results are specified after "->" arrow symbol.

name ":" "proc" args -> results "=" code

For example: addw:proc i:word j:word -> k:word = k = i + j add3: word proc i:word j:word k:word −> result:word = result = i + j + k

Calling a procedure

To call a procedure, you specify it's name and then list of arguments. Arguments may be separated by spaces or commas.

x = add3 10 20 30 y = add3 1,2,3

Default arguments

It is possible to specify a default argument value. Argument with a defined default value does not have to be specified when procedure is called.

Default value must be constant expression specified as an argument assignment in procedure header (after equal sign). Indented or parenthesized block must be used when specifying default value for an argument.

addw:proc(i:word j:word = 1 ->k:word) = k = i + j x = addw 14 20 ;x is now 34 x = addw 14 ;x is now 15

Multiple results

Procedure may define more than one output arguments (results).

sumdiv:proc a,b:byte ->sum:byte, div:byte = sum = a + b div = a - b a:byte b:byte a,b = sumdiv 10,3 "Sum is [a], div is [b]"


Procedure may return to its caller from using return statement. It is possible to specify result values as return arguments.

sumdiv:proc a,b:byte ->sum:byte, div:byte = return a + b, a - b

Nested procedures

It is possible to define local procedures inside other procedures.

set'line'color:proc = wait'line:proc = WSYNC = 0 COL'BK = VCOUNT * 2 + RTCLOCK wait'line

Procedures with identical signatures

Procedure may be declared using type of another procedure.

subw:addw = k = i - j

Forward declaration of procedures

It is possible to declare the procedure header in advance and later define its body. Although recursive functions are not supported, it is usefull in some special situations like when assigning address of a procedure to a variable.

sum:proc e,f:byte ->s:byte sum = s = e + f

Procedures at specified addresses

It is possible to define routines in ROM using @ syntax.

This is especially usefull with procedure arguments with defined location (either in register or at some adress).

reset@$E034:proc out_char@$E75f:proc c@CPU.a

Definition of trashed variables

When defining header of a procedure that is external (either at specified address or defined in associated assembler file), it is possible to list variables used (trashed) by the procedure.

Such variables are listed between procedure arguments with @ prefix. It is important to mark this way also registers the procedure uses.

_std_print_adr:proc a@_arr:adr @_arr @cpu.a @cpu.x @cpu.y


Atalan provides system of modules. Use of module may be declared with ::use] keyword followed by list of module names (not filenames!). Module name is either an identifier or a string.

use rmt, simple_sprites

Modules may use other modules too. Module can be used only once (subsequent uses are ignored). Cyclic dependency of modules is detected and reported as an error.

Paths used in module file command are relative to the location of the module.

Module parameters

Module may define paramters, that may be used to customize the functionality of the module in compilation time. Parameters are treated like special type of constant, that may be specified by programmer using the module.

Parameters may be declared anywhere in the module (but before it is first used). It may have default value defined. In such case, this value will be used if the user does not specify the parameter.

For example music module may define following parameter:

param channels:1..4 = 2

When using the module, programmer may specify the parameters like this:

use music (channels = 3)

Number of channels used by music module is set to 3.

Assembler includes

For each module name.atl there may be associated assembler source code name.asm. If such a file exists, it is automatically included at the end of the source code.

If the module defines parameters, assembler includes may access them as label with prefix PARAM_.

CPU modules

CPU modules are stored in %SYSTEM%/cpu/%module%/%module%.atl directory.

They define cpu (central processing unit) for which the code may be compiled. Application must use exactly one cpu module. Cpu module is usually not used directly by an application, platform module uses the specific cpu.

Platform modules

Platform modules are stored in %SYSTEM%/platform/%module%/%module%.atl directory.

They define the computer platform for which the code may be compiled. An application may use only one platform module.

System modules

System modules are platform independent modules defined by the language. System modules are stored in %SYSTEM%/module/%module%.atl directory.

Application modules

Application modules are defined by an application and are stored in the application directory.